Important Notice: While our offices remain open, we ask that you please make an appointment given hybrid/remote work considerations. Thanks for your understanding and we look forward to seeing you.


Our goal is to maintain and improve our professional knowledge. We strive to provide our customers and business partners a level of service that exceeds their expectations.

Privacy and your Business

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Palladium Insurance Group is Growing

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Understanding the Value of Privacy Breach Insurance

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Protecting Your Family In the Event of a Motor Vehicle Accident

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Liability & Umbrella Insurance Needs Changing as $8M awarded to hockey player paralyzed by hit

What does this mean for umbrella liability insurance needs in Canada? What does this mean for amateur sport in Canada, like hockey, soccer? Remember this? Quebec Court of Appeal upholds $8M to hockey player paralyzed by illegal hit Andrew Zaccardo, 21, was hit from behind along the boards in 2010 From <…

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Palladium Insurance is an exclusive member of the GUARANTEE GOLD ®Prestige Broker Council

Our brokerage is an honoured and exclusive member of the GUARANTEE GOLD ® Prestige Broker Council. As a Prestige Council Member we are provided unique opportunities to focus jointly with GUARANTEE GOLD, on high net worth individuals who know the value of quality insurance coverage. Together we design customized programs to meet your needs. Backed…

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Umbrella Insurance...Does Your Lifestyle Warrant Additional Liability Coverage?

High net worth homeowners need specialty protection for more than just bricks and mortar. You need to protect your personal assets that are at risk from basic limits of liability. A personal umbrella policy provides additional protection in excess of the standard liability limit for homes, condos, cottages, high valued automobiles, pleasure crafts…

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Why should you consider adding an umbrella liability policy to your insurance portfolio?

You may be thinking, I'm not wealthy, I don't need umbrella liability insurance. I won't ever be sued. My family will never be sued. Think Again. You should be thinking about how much you could lose and how an umbrella policy could offer you and your family - Peace of Mind! With liability lawsuits on the rise and attorneys seeking larger rewards,…

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What is an Umbrella Insurance Policy? Do I need one?

Umbrella insurance is additional liability insurance that offers worldwide protection to protect your personal assets.   I don’t need an umbrella policy, I don’t have $1 million to lose. WRONG – if you are sued by someone who falls down the stairs at your home or whom you injure in a car accident you can be sued for more than just what you ha…

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