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High Net-worth Insurance

Preserve Your Wealth

It’s more stable than GICs, tax-advantaged, creditor-proof, discreet, and highly flexible.

That's the power of life insurance to help your assets grow, provide a retirement income for you, and pass on more of your wealth to your children and grandchildren.

Ask for Your Quote Today

WealthAssure Safeguards What’s Yours

We created WealthAssure to help high net worth individuals protect what they’ve earned. The program is an advanced level of estate planning that dramatically reduces your taxable income and avoids the volatility of other investment options.

If your financial team isn’t able to close the gap on tax liabilities for your assets, come talk to us. The experts at Palladium will work with your financial and legal advisors to put together a plan that achieves your goals.

Why Shelter Your Assets with WealthAssure?

What many advisors don’t know is that the right life insurance policy can help protect your portfolio from taxes and fees, so there’s more for your family. If your priority is to create an additional income stream during your retirement years, we can help with that too.

Protect Your Portfolio from Taxes

When you shelter your assets within a life insurance policy, they can grow in a tax advantaged way. When your heirs inherit them, these assets are held outside the scope of your estate and aren’t subjected to capital gains taxes.

Pass on Your Wealth — Without the Fees

When the time comes to transfer your estate, the 5% for executor’s and related fees may sound small, but can amount to six figures for more affluent people. If you choose a family member to be your executor, they may not have the knowledge or the time to do an executor’s job unassisted. Sheltering your assets within an appropriate insurance policy means everything goes directly to your heirs without executor’s fees, lawyer’s fees, or probate fees (if applicable).

Protect Your Privacy

Once you pass on, your will becomes a public document. That means anyone can look up the details of what’s included in your estate and its value. If your assets are sheltered in a life insurance policy, however, everything remains private.

Better Stability for Your Peace of Mind

The TSX has a standard deviation of about 16: it could be 16% up or down within a given period of time. Five-year GICs have a standard deviation of 3%. Participating life insurance accounts have a standard deviation of about 1.8% — they’re more stable than even GICs. If you’re in your retirement years, that stability means you can enjoy life without having to worry.