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Dental Practice Insurance

The Right Coverage for Every Stage of Your Career

You work hard to care for your patients and build your business. DentAssure is a unique insurance program that protects both you and your practice.

Our insurance experts are very familiar with the situations that can arise in even the most well-run businesses. They also know that the insurance coverage required can vary greatly from clinic to clinic and from dentist to dentist. With Palladium, you get the best of comprehensive coverage and flexibility.

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DentAssure is Comprehensive Dental Clinic Insurance Coverage

Did you know that most dental practices are underinsured for equipment breakdown and the value of equipment like iTERO and CERAC machines — and that this can cause issues in claim situations?

DentAssure’s coverage includes the most comprehensive suite of policies available on the market. From situations that any business can face, like slips and falls, to coverage for issues unique to dental practices, it’s all available in one convenient program.

Protect your practice in case of fire, equipment theft, cybersecurity breaches, dental malpractice suits, and more. Whether your dental clinic is large or small, we can customize your coverage to your needs.

Coverage Included

  • Cyber liability and privacy breach
  • Property
  • Theft
  • General liability / slips and falls
  • Fire
  • Corporate life insurance
  • Critical illness insurance
  • Disability insurance (business overhead expense or BOE)
  • Benefits programs for employees
  • Disability insurance for employees

  • Succession planning

Get Peace of Mind with Our Concierge Service

Our concierge specialists are experts in the industries they serve, working as a team with our clients and accessible at a single point of contact. We are licensed to work across Canada.

As your insurance broker and risk manager, we:

  • Review your insurance needs.
  • Ensure that you understand your coverage.
  • Help manage and reduce your risks.
  • Contact you annually to review your coverage.
  • Offer advice and guidance in claim situations.

The end result is peace of mind that allows you to keep your focus on your business.

Smart Coverage Choices

DentAssure includes options for risk management that most dental practice owners haven’t considered.

Cyber Liability and Privacy Breach Insurance for Dentists

Almost all dental practices use electronic patient records. With the convenience of electronic data, however, comes the threat of files being hacked, stolen, or even held for ransom — and a privacy breach can mean lawsuits as well as a loss of reputation.

As part of a comprehensive data management program, DentAssure’s cyber liability components help you navigate cyber security situations, including ransomware attacks in which your files have been locked and someone is demanding money to unlock them.

Our coverage can help recover the costs of:

  • Crisis management
  • Mandatory privacy breach notification services
  • Forensic computer services
  • Public relations
  • Cyber extortion / ransomware
  • Data restoration
  • Legal defense
  • PCI fines and judgments
  • Business interruption

Don’t assume you can’t be a target because you have a smaller practice: hackers will target any system they think they can breach. Ask our DentAssure specialists for advice on the right level of coverage for your practice.

Download Cyber Liability E-Form

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Corporate Life Insurance

Life insurance can help protect your company, your family, your partners and key employees in the event of an unexpected death.

It can also help you get more from your company’s assets and reach your long-term financial goals. By putting your money in a permanent life insurance policy instead of corporate investments, which are generally in a higher tax bracket, less money could be lost to taxes. It means you could have more funds to spend while you’re alive, and your estate or shareholders could receive more when you die.

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Disability Insurance for Dentists

While a disability can often be visible to the naked eye, not all disabilities are so easily recognized. Whether it’s chronic pain or a mental health issue, a disability can come in various forms.

Being sick costs money, especially when you have a business to run. Disability insurance can help you mitigate this risk and can also help you recruit and retain top-level talent.

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Group Benefits for Your Employees

One of the greatest challenges you’ll face as a business owner is finding – and keeping – great employees. Providing benefits is one of the best ways to encourage them to stay.

You can add attractive employee benefits packages to your DentAssure coverage suite. You’ll enjoy bulk group rates AND still have the ability to customize your plan.

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The DentAssure Advantage for Group Benefits

DentAssure allows you to tailor your benefits plan to your needs and to the preferences of your employees. Options include favourites like vision care, dental, pharmaceutical, massage, and chiropractic coverage – ask your specialist for a full list.

With DentAssure benefits programs, you get the best of both worlds:

  1. Economy of scale. Thanks to the combined buying power of hundreds of companies, you’ll enjoy the best possible value.
  2. Freedom. You’re not locked into a one-size-fits-all package full of options you don’t want. You’re free to opt out of coverage types you don’t care about, or increase your coverage to create a package your employees can’t resist.

You’ll help reduce turnover, saving time and the inconvenience that comes with advertising, interviews, and training.

Critical Illness Insurance

Advances in medicine mean more people survive illnesses like cancer, heart attack and stroke than ever before, but recovery may come with a significant financial cost that can throw your business off course.

Critical illness insurance can provide you with a lump sum payment to help you recover at your own pace while your business continues to operate.

By having critical illness insurance, you don’t have the added stress of weighing what’s best for your business versus what’s best for your health. With the help of the right coverage, you don’t need to choose.

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Business Owner Succession

If you’re making plans to pass your business on to the next generation of owners, you may be wondering about the various investments you’ve made along the way. These may make your earnings vulnerable to high tax rates. Do you know how much you’re paying in taxes from those investments?

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