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Travel Insurance

Relax — We’ve Got You Covered

When you’re on holiday, the last thing you want to do is worry about insurance coverage. The same holds true when you’re studying abroad or working overseas temporarily.

That’s why Palladium partners with Securiglobe, one of the largest travel insurance providers in Canada. Through Securiglobe’s network, you can access the best rates for almost any travel situation.

Call 1-844-618-4402

Tips For Buying Travel Insurance

  1. Purchase Your Travel Insurance Early
    By purchasing your travel insurance early, you can save by avoiding rate increases that come with popular departure times (like the winter season). Insurers sometimes also offer early bird discounts.

  2. Know Exactly What You’re Covered For
    Many travellers make the mistake of assuming that they are covered in all situations because they have coverage through their credit card provider. Always read and understand your travel insurance policy to ensure you have sufficient coverage — and to avoid unpleasant surprises during your trip.

  3. Declare Any and All Pre-Existing Conditions
    When purchasing travel insurance, it’s important to mention all of your pre-existing medical conditions to your travel insurance specialist, even minor conditions like bronchitis. By doing this, your travel insurance specialist will have all the necessary information to provide you with the coverage that best suits your needs and personal situation.

  4. Unsure About a Medical Question? Consult Your Physician
    If you’re not sure how to interpret a medical question that is asked during the application process, consult your physician to guarantee the correctness of your answers. This will provide you peace of mind if ever a claim arises.

  5. High-Risk Activities
    Are you planning to enjoy adventure or high-risk activities on your trip? You should be aware that the majority of travel insurance policies exclude injuries sustained while you’re thrill-seeking. Advise your travel insurance specialist about any potentially high-risk activities you’re planning, so that they can shop the market and provide you with an appropriate policy.

  6. Ask About Deductibles
    One reason some travellers, especially snowbirds, decide not to insure themselves is the price of insurance. Most people don’t know that you can add a deductible to your premium to lower your rate, similar to the process for home and auto insurance. Deductibles normally range from $250 to $10,000 and can provide substantial savings.