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Our goal is to maintain and improve our professional knowledge. We strive to provide our customers and business partners a level of service that exceeds their expectations.

What to Know Before Using a Space Heater in an Office

Anyone who has worked in an office understands that controlling the ambient temperature so that everyone is comfortable is nearly impossible. Some will complain during the heat of summer that the AC is freezing them out, while others are opening windows in the middle of January because they are too hot. It literally is a case of not being able to…

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Snow Safety

With the most recent downfall of snow, it's apparent that winter wants to make itself known. The holiday season represents one of the most beautiful times of the year, but it isn't without its own set of challenges when it comes to the weather that accompanies it. The best thing to do is get (and stay) prepared. Here are some important tips to rem…

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Home Safety For The Holidays

The holiday season is upon us, and beyond ensuring you get your loved ones the right gifts, being able to create the perfect and safest environment within your home is important. The following are some important safety considerations to make for your home, to keep your family safe (with any placed decorations) and extended family and friends comfo…

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Empowerment Through Effective Financial Solutions

When people feel more in control of the particular situation they're in (whether personal or professional) they are able to confidently make better decisions. When a business is able to effectively empower their staff through comprehensive and flexible benefit options, employee assistance programs and the like, the more likely those people will be…

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Staying Safe on the Road

Last weekend's arrival of snow should have put two things on everyone's radar: firstly, that the beginning of winter has indeed arrived and secondly, that if you've put off getting your vehicle effectively prepared for the season (including putting your winter tires on) that now is the time. The following are some great tips to help stay as safe…

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Liquor Liability For Holiday Events

Understanding Liquor Liability for Effective Holiday Planning It’s hard to believe that the holiday season is almost here (where does the time go?) but it is! Beyond worrying about getting all of the right gifts for your friends and family in time, if you are planning to host an event during this season at your home and will be serving alcohol, th…

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Choosing The Right Home & Family Coverage

There’s nothing more important than family, and ensuring that the right insurance is in place to keep them protected in the event of the worst is key, however it can be easy to be misled. Traditional mortgage insurance for instance; a product that the bank would suggest a new homeowner get to protect their home, may not offer all of the necessary…

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Seasonal Automotive Preparation

It’s a new month, and just because snow isn’t on the ground (yet) doesn’t mean that preparing your vehicle for the winter should be left to the last minute. Of course, things like putting winter tires on is important, but there are other considerations that should be made in order to promote the safest and best driving experience possible. Here ar…

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Securing Your Business’ Data

  In today’s fast paced modern age, the transfer of data across the digital landscape is commonplace, and keeping important information effectively protected is more important than ever. Businesses especially have an obligation to keep all of their sensitive data away from those it wasn’t meant for. Understanding what can happen when proper…

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Insurance for Contract Breweries

‘So, who made this stuff anyway?’ If you ask that question of the average craft beer drinker they probably think the answer is as plain as the hops in their IPA, but those in the industry know that it is not that simple. Today, a growing number of craft breweries concern themselves only with recipe development, marketing, sales and distribution of…

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Privacy & Your Business

Did You Know: 75% of organizations are not prepared to respond to a cyber attack but would be responsible if information was compromised. In 2013, every Yahoo! email, Tumblr, Fantasy and Flickr accounts were hacked. Names, email addresses, phone numbers, birthdays and in some cases, encrypted or unencrypted passwords and security questions from ov…

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The History of Speed Limits

  They say that sometimes rules are meant to be broken, however it's important to thoroughly assess what those rules are beforehand, and how breaking them can affect you and others. Speed limits are put in place to help better regulate traffic and ensure that all those who are operating a vehicle on the road are held to a speed that is deemed…

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Rental Property Protection

  Our insurance products/services are designed to empower and protect our clients with the best coverage possible to meet their needs. When it comes to protecting where you live, finding the right home insurance is important. If you're a renter, renter's insurance is quite beneficial as well; if you own a property however, but are renting it…

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Drive Forward: Auto Safety Tips

Fall is upon us; back to school is in full swing and developing and maintaining a regular routine is important. The balancing of personal and professional responsibilities can be challenging at times, but scheduling and following a strategy can help make things much easier. The daily operation of a vehicle is more often than not a key part of help…

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Property Insurance for Small Businesses

Business represent the cornerstone of the social and economic growth of a particular area, and small businesses can have a very large impact. 'Never forget the impact that your small business can have in your community and the world at large. There are three primary ways that small businesses contribute to our nation. They give people the opportun…

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The Importance of Home Heating Maintenance

  It's hard to believe that summer has flown by so quickly, but lo and behold Fall is around the corner, which means a few things: kids are heading back to school, days are getting shorter and temperatures are getting cooler. These things are inevitable, however when you anticipate them, you can be best prepared. When it comes to cooler tempe…

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The Importance of Protecting Yourself & Family

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Under the Umbrella: Multi-Layered Coverage

  The purpose of an umbrella is to protect whoever is under it from being rained down upon when weather gets rough. The purpose of umbrella insurance is similar, except the 'rough weather' comes in different forms. 'By and large, umbrella insurance guards you in the event of significant claims and lawsuits, -- and does so in two primary ways:…

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Advantages of Flexible Benefits For Your Business

The more a business can cater to the needs of their staff, generally the happier and more effective that staff will be. When people feel that their organization cares about their well-being, the more invested they will be in said organization. The more flexible the benefits a company is able to offer their employees, the better. Here are some of…

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Collective Purchasing Plans

The idea of a buying group (also known as a collective purchasing plan) is still a newer concept when it comes to employee benefits, but has existed much longer for a plethora of industries with other applications. The following is a more in depth description of what collective purchasing is and how it can benefit and empower people. 'A cooperativ…

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