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Our goal is to maintain and improve our professional knowledge. We strive to provide our customers and business partners a level of service that exceeds their expectations.

Avoiding Cabin Fever – Cottage Insurance Policy

For most people, their cottage is a home away from home. It is a place to relax, unwind and make memories with family and friends.  For the purposes of this blog article, we use the word ‘cottage’ to describe a secondary, or seasonal residence when we talk about our cottage insurance policy however the word cottage may be replaced with other…

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Distracted Driving Goes Beyond Just Texting

Did you know that every province and territory in Canada except Nunavut have tough rules prohibiting distracted driving and the use of hand-held devices while driving? While no province or territory bans the outright use of cellphones while driving, each province and territory penalizes distracted driving differently. Penalties for distracted driv…

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MedAssure - Insurance Coverage for Medical Professionals

As a medical professional, you perform an important and integral service and you work hard to protect your professional reputation. You offer your patients, medical partners and staff the highest level of quality care. You are constantly learning and improving. In sickness and in health, the level of trust bestowed upon you is invaluable. This tru…

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Why Protecting Your Home Against Water Damage is Crucial

Buying a home is the biggest investment most people will make in their lifetime; effective protection offers optimal peace of mind.  So, what type of protection are we referring to? While protecting the financial integrity of the home and future of your family is important (learn more about our family protection options here), the physical st…

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How Corporate Life Insurance Protects More Than Your Business

When developing and maintaining a business, knowing how to effectively protect what you’ve built is crucial. A successful business owner understands the benefit of corporate life insurance and the protection it offers. The right strategy will be able to shield the company, partners, key employees and the family of the business owner, in the event…

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How Effectively Protecting your Family’s Financial Situation Offers Peace of Mind

There is nothing more important than the ability to effectively protect the health and well being of your family. In the home, having secure locks on the door helps control who has access; a security system also takes this a step further. The financial security of the home takes a thoughtful plan in order to secure the best future. We pride oursel…

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How Offering Dental Coverage Can Improve Employee Satisfaction

An open smile that showcases teeth makes the bold statement  that the person is open to share more of who they are. It also represents pride in overall oral health. There are many people however who don't feel this way. Despite regular dental maintenance at home, a lack of dental benefits keeps them from getting the professional care they nee…

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How An Effective Tax Shelter Can Protect Your Savings

Life is a beautiful and varied journey. The next generation benefits from experiences and lessons that are occurring now. The one thing life can’t provide for anyone however, is certainty. A "sure thing" (such as death and taxes) limits perspective. What's another important item that can be added to this list? Having peace of mind. The right life…

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How the Right Home Appraisal Will Protect You

Your home is the biggest and most important investment you will make in your lifetime. More than just a place to claim ownership, your home can be customized to meet your personal tastes.  Beyond just brick and mortar, it is where memories are made and families raised. Properly maintaining your home’s value goes beyond just the regular upkeep…

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Protecting the Physical & Financial Health Of Your Business

What makes running a business rewarding? Offering effective products/services that improve the overall operations for the client.  What does having the responsibility of heading an organization entail? Establishing and maintaining both the physical and financial integrity of the business. Protecting the well being of your staff is crucial; ha…

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3 Questions to Ask Before Buying Insurance

You work hard to buy and maintain a home, doesn’t it deserve the best protection possible? When it comes to getting home insurance, auto insurance and the like, many people may not know where to start. Are you aware of the necessary home insurance coverage to keep you and your family effectively protected? Knowing the ins and outs of buying insura…

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Protecting Your Business From a Potential Cyber Breach

How a business is protected says a lot about the owner of the company, and the type of organization they are running. An entity of integrity aimed at helping people through the use of effective products/services deserves protection of the same quality. As the potential challenges of business evolve over time, so to must the approach at protecting…

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How Business Owner Succession Protects a Legacy

Building a successful business is no easy feat, and we at Palladium understand the need to provide effective protection. Ensuring that your brand’s legacy outlives the initial creation and can flourish for generations to come is important. Steps for Successful Business Succession A client advisor at Laird Norton Wealth Management published an arti…

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The Right Insurance To Protect Your Family

What comes to mind when you hear the word insurance? Palladium strives to offer our clients optimal protection  through effective coverage. Our variety of products span different aspects of both home and professional life.  There’s nothing like having peace of mind over protecting the ones you care most about. Insurance with Family in Mi…

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How Office Culture Affects Business Productivity

The way business is conducted continues to evolve (ie: improved technology, shifting needs, etc.). It's important to understand that the base of all business relationships lie with a strong foundation that puts elements such as mutual respect and effective coverage and protection for everyone at the forefront. So, how does office culture fit into…

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The Importance of Insurance for Dental Professionals

Maxime Rieman of says that dentists who wish to grow their practice should mitigate their business risks of medical malpractice claims through insurance for dental professionals. First of all, insurance protects individuals and businesses and offers effective coverage and peace of mind in the event of the worst. Businesses in parti…

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Coverage to Protect Your Business

It's important to protect your business. Building a business takes a lot of hard work and dedication; entrepreneurs especially put a lot of their own personal time and effort into crafting their business, just the way they want. Much like how it is important to constantly save and backup any work that is being done digitally, the right commercial…

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Digital Risk Management

Part of our job as an independent insurance brokerage firm is to help provide our clients with the best coverage in order to meet their specific needs; this is done by assessing potential risks, and building a a tailored plan that can keep them effectively protected. When it comes to businesses specifically and the impact which technology has had…

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What to Know About Travel Insurance

Understanding Travel Insurance Coverage With winter only officially starting at the end of last month (and an end to this frigid weather nowhere in sight) escaping to a warmer climate, even for a short period of time, is on the minds of many. However, before you make any travel plans it's important to have a better understanding of travel insuranc…

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Earthquake Risk Planning

Planning for events that we don't normally like thinking about is important, however the fact that most don't like thinking about those certain things is what keeps most people from making those necessary plans in the first place. Take earthquakes for instance; we may have been lucky enough to not have had to deal with a major earthquake in Canada…

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