Why Protecting Your Home Against Water Damage is Crucial

Buying a home is the biggest investment most people will make in their lifetime; effective protection offers optimal peace of mind. So, what type of protection are we referring to? While protecting the financial integrity of the home and future of your family is important (learn more about our family protection options here), the physical structure of your home can be susceptible to the effects of mother nature as well. In the past few years water damage has become the leading home insurance claim over fire. Our job at Palladium Insurance is to provide necessary information on the possible effects of water damage, and best equip our clients to prevent incurring damage.
How Water Damage Can Affect Your Home¶
Home ownership is a multifaceted responsibility and water is a key component to how certain processes in the home function. Water is necessary for taking showers, washing clothes and helping to keep the rest of your home clean. Water which can be effectively controlled should be, but what about excessive rain or other natural water sources? Awareness of how all water can affect your home is important. An article from The Globe and Mail stated that for homeowners "whether you own a new or resale home, you run the risk of water damage from water originating inside your house (leaky pipes, toilet or appliances) or outside (overloaded city sewers, powerful rain storms, fast-melting snow, floods)." (Robert Carrick, theglobeandmail.com).
So, what are the most susceptible areas of the home for water damage? The following are key parts of your home to be aware of:
A solid foundation is the basis for all structures. The change from warm to cold temperatures that we experience in Canada can cause the ground to heave and foundations to crack. Regularly check for cracks in your home's foundation and consult with a professional for expert diagnosis and repair. If you happen to notice a white crystalline formation along the foundation of your home it means that there is water on the other side of the wall that should be immediately tended to.
Window Wells
All home windows are important for allowing in natural light and keeping out unwanted elements, but for basement windows the level of importance is heightened. Ensure that the bottom of the window well is deeper than the window by about 15cm. It’s also a good idea to install a drain pipe designed to direct water further away from the foundation.
Backwater Valve & Sump Pump
In the event of excess water accumulation, drainage is crucial. It's important to regularly inspect your backwater valve and/or sump pump to ensure they are working effectively at keeping your home dry and comfortable.
Keeping Your Home Dry & Comfortable¶
Some other important considerations to make when it comes to preventing water damage relate to the property grade of your home and the integrity of the eavestroughs and gutters. New homes will have a property grade sloped to divert water from the home, but this can change over time. Your eavestroughs/gutters need to drain onto the surface of the ground at least 2m away from your home. Solutions? Regrading your home is as simple as adding new soil to ensure water continues to divert away. Ensuring your gutters are free from leaks keeps them working at an optimal level.
At Palladium Insurance we want to ensure that our clients have the right coverage to effectively meet their needs. In terms of potential water damage, the type of coverage a client may require varies. This fact encouraged us to create a questionnaire to gain as much specific information as possible. Learn more about how we can keep your home protected from water damage, connect with one of our expert brokers and let us earn your trust.