Protecting Your Property Against Hail Storms

Across the country, hail can be a major weather concern. Ice pellets ranging anywhere from a pea to a golf ball or even larger can cause mass deviation. Combine hail with strong winds and you are in for a great deal of damage that could cost thousands to repair. This extreme weather can rip shingles and siding off homes, break or dent cars and shatter windows. The damage from a storm like this is not always apparent. Hail can cause small holes in roofs and allow water to sneak into the home and behind walls, leading to flooding and the development of mold.
There is hope though. With some precautions you can protect your home, vehicles, and yourself from this potentially dangerous weather phenomena. Here are some tips to mitigate the damage that hail can cause.
Impact-resistant roofing material¶
One of the major parts of a house that is always affected during major hail storms is the roof. Traditional roofing materials are not really designed to withstand the force of major hail storms. Old style shingles are also more likely to be ripped off during the winds that come along with hail storms.
When looking at upgrading your roof material, selecting an impact resistant material is always a great idea. These materials include asphalte, rubber, and metal are all a 4-rated material that will greatly reduce the effects hail has on the roof. This is not to say there will not be any damage to the roof, there is still a chance of cosmetic damage that would need to be repaired, but the likelihood of needing a full roof overhaul is much less likely with impact resistant materials.
In some studies across Canada, the average cost to install an impact resistant roof was around $3400 on an average sized home. This is a small cost to pay, when compared to the $10,000 price tag to fully replace a roof after major hail damage. The average cost to repair an impact resistant roof is slashed by nearly half, to around $5000. When a home is ravaged by hail, the chances of other structural damage is heightened, and the majority of this damage starts at the roof— replacing your roof with an impact resistant material is a great investment that can save you thousands.
Address water damage¶
Hail can have devastating effects on the home. If by chance hail punctures your roof or rips through siding, the possibility of water damage is exponentially increased. Water damage is a major issue that if it goes unattended can destroy a home. Water will pool on the roof and seep into any holes that the hail may have created and into places you may not be able to see.
Before the hail seasons it is imperative to do a full inspection of your home— ensuring there are no spots water can potentially enter through. It is important to take care of this because water damage is much more likely after a hail storm. Another great defense against water infiltration is the proper installation of proper roof cladding.
Protect A/C units and other outside valuables¶
Outdoor air conditioning units are expensive and highly susceptible to damage even by strong winds. Therefore, hail can severely damage A/C units that are left unprotected. To ensure your A/C unit stays protected during hail storms and high winds, installing a protective cage would be a great idea. Finding a cage that allows proper airflow is vital to the proper functioning of the unit.
Other valuables that you leave outdoors should also be protected. Things like barbecues, dog houses, children's toys, should all be properly tied down and covered so as to not be destroyed by the hail and wind. Having a plan in place is a great idea, so you can quickly and efficiently get everything protected so as not to be caught out in a hail storm trying to save your possessions.
Cover vehicles and equipment¶
Hail can have devastating effects on vehicles, so taking the precautions to protect your car is essential. The easiest way to keep it protected is to park your vehicles inside a garage or carport. It is very important to disconnect car batteries if the car will be parked indoors for a long period of time— as they pose a fire risk.
For extra protection, securely place a hail-resistant cover over vehicles. There are also hail-resistant blankets and tarps of all sizes designed to cover small cars to large trucks. If it is not possible to bring vehicles into your garage, investing in a hail-resistant cover, blankets or tarp may be your best shot at protection when they are left outside during a hailstorm.
Stay informed on weather forecast¶
The best way to prepare yourself against potentially hazardous weather is watching weather reports and setting up real time alerts to notify you about potential hail storms and other severe weather. With the knowledge of a major storm rolling through you will be able to take the proper precautions to best protect yourself and your property. Staying informed about these types of events is absolutely essential to mitigating the risk associated with these severe weather events.
Taking the proper precautions will greatly mitigate the risk associated with the changing weather that is growing more and more severe. By watching weather forecasts you can be prepared for the potentially deadly hail storms that could rip through your area. Installing an impact resistant roof, addressing damages early, covering your outdoor items and vehicles are just a few steps you can take to better protect you and your property against hail and severe storms.
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