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Why should you consider adding an umbrella liability policy to your insurance portfolio?

You may be thinking, I'm not wealthy, I don't need umbrella liability insurance. I won't ever be sued. My family will never be sued.

Think Again.

You should be thinking about how much you could lose and how an umbrella policy could offer you and your family - Peace of Mind!

With liability lawsuits on the rise and attorneys seeking larger rewards, the risk is very real.

An umbrella liability policy works to protect against events that could impact a substantial portion of your future earnings and personal assets. Legal awards can escalate quickly and a minor incident could develop into a major lawsuit. An umbrella will also cover your legal costs and your loss of income while preparing your legal defence.

Umbrella Insurance is affordable.

How does it work?

The limit you choose sits on top of your underlying personal liability limits found on your other insurance policies; home, auto, boat, cottage, snowmobile,... It will respond if you exhaust your underlying liability limit or if the cause of the suit is excluded from your underlying personal policy.

Bottom line, you could be sued if you, your spouse, your children, even your pet are responsible for an accident that causes bodily injury or property damage to someone else.

We can't predict whether you might lose a lawsuit resulting from such accidents. We can't predict the amount that might be awarded to the winning party, an amount that you would be responsible for paying.

By considering an umbrella policy, you can protect yourself against the possibility of a devastating financial loss from these unforeseen events.

Take a look at our "Umbrella Liability Assessment Tool". It will make you think twice about risk factors you face daily. It will also give you an idea on the amount liability insurance you should consider.

Download the Umbrella Liability Assessment Tool