The Increasing Costs of Disability Insurance for Medical Professionals

As a medical professional, you want to keep your practice protected. But with recent price increases for Disability Insurance, premiums will also begin to rise by an average of 22%. If you are not a client of Palladium Insurance, your coverage could increase.
Some of our insurance partners have responded to this with aggressive discounts for Disability and Term Life Insurance:
- 25% savings on Professional Series Disability Insurance
- 10% savings on Term Life Insurance
The discounts are for the entire life of the policy!
The Palladium difference:
- Other types of Disability Insurance, with monthly coverage up to $25,000, terminate at age 70 and are subject to the premium and other changes beyond your control.
- Professional Series Disability Insurance from our partners can be maintained to age 100.
- Some of our partners are offering a number of features that aren’t available with other types of Disability Insurance, including a minimum inflation protector, a recovery benefit, 12-month protection in case of a reoccurring disability, and a long term care insurance conversion plan that can be paid off in as little as 10 years.
As independent brokers, we not only work with all top-tier providers of income replacement for professionals and their practices, but we also work with you in establishing your needs and shop the markets offering choice and transparent cost analysis and since some carriers are offering discounts, we will do the work for you to get you the best rate, evaluating all your needs.Grouped Affinity or Association programs offer attractive pricing in the early years, but will then significantly increase their premiums. As independent advisors, we work for our clients in providing custom-tailored coverages that grouped association plans just can’t offer.
These discount offers are only available until September, making this a very limited-time opportunity that won’t come again for medical professionals. Contact our office to better understand your options for a customized disability insurance program where your cost is fixed and cannot increase. Call us at 1-800-566-6314.